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Below are a sample of some of the projects I have led and contributed to recently


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MyASC & External website

MyASC is the College Intranet which services parents, students and staff. In 2019 we built a new Sharepoint site with LiveTiles. In 2023 we are reimagining and updating the site with a host of customisations and personalisations for the whole community. I was also an integral part of the team that redesigned the College external website, creating a unique and award-winning experience for potential parents.



I was part of the team that led the integration of ICT and Library services into one combined team in location and purpose. Subsequent strategic planning has deepended and broadened the scope and reach of this cross-functional and whole-school service.

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Online Learning

One of the projects associated with The Studio School was the need to develop online learning courses in selected ATAR courses. I led this project with several staff to evaluate, select and develop a platform and create these courses which are now being used by students.


Technology Vision

In conjunction with all stakeholders, I developed a vision for the use of technology that embraced thinking and input from Junior and Senior School staff, leadership and middle leaders. The outcomes guide our approach to integrating technology across the College

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Learner Profile

As part of the Capabilities project, I am developing a Learner Profile for students to use as a passport for tertiary entrance and employment as a key component of capturing a broader view of student achievement beyond solely academic courses. 

Tech Lights


Software Innovation

Various projects that have integrated new software successfully including Box of Books, Atomi, Paperly, Education Perfect, Mathspace, EdSmart and more. These projects have aligned with a vision to provide the best tools for our users


Digital Intelligence Project (DQ)

Recognising the implications and consequences of improper use of technology, we set out to create a scope and sequence of digital citizenship lessons taught at age-appropriate levels from Year 1 - 12. This involved input from all stakeholders, from surveys and bringing together all areas to create a framework that underpins our technology vision.

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